1X realistic head sculpt 1X body with palms/ soles 1 pair of gun-holding hands 1 pair of relaxed arms 1 pair of gun-holding arms
Costume: 1. 1X reversible camouflage jacket 2. 1X reversible camouflage combat pants 3. 1X Striped Long Sleeve T-Shirt 4. 1 pair of puncture-resistant shoes
Equipment ACCESSORIES: 1. 1X80 camouflage helmet cover 2. 1X80 helmet 3. 1X customized multifunctional vest 4. 1X customized modular chest hanger 5. 1X watch 6. 4X Blue Sword B Operation Identification Badge 7. 1X kettle 8. 2X bandage 9. 1X armed belt 10. 1X whistle
WEAPONS: 1. 1X 81-1 automatic rifle 2. 5X 81-1 magazine 3. 2X Bangalore torpedo 4. 1X Explosive Pack 5. 12X67 grenade 6. 1X82 “glory bomb”